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I am your father V2

by lemerou

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Wirdou - 27 by January by 2012, 11:58

now with this type is perfect :D

zilone - 27 by January by 2012, 11:58

Nickel ! simple est efficace

inkognito - 27 by January by 2012, 11:58


lemerou - 27 by January by 2012, 11:58

gracias !

Stilographic - 27 by January by 2012, 11:58

mucho mejor la letra jajaja muy simpática :)

conde_cadista - 28 by January by 2012, 11:58

Ahora se aprecia mejor!!

Tony Centeno - 30 by January by 2012, 11:58

LOve it!

Andyfraser - 30 by January by 2012, 11:58



DI.JAY - 30 by January by 2012, 11:58

Genial, mejor con esta tipografia ;)

fuchinin - 2 by February by 2012, 11:58

Me gusta bastante, aunque no la llevaría.