DESIGNS OF Seeworm22 back Deku Smash 0 2 Fly me to the Moon 0 2 Dance of the Fire God 3 4 Rumbling 1 0 Freedom 2 1 Titan Shifter 1 0 Dancing Gojo 1 2 Love Breathing 2 1 Devil hunter 1 1 Bankai - Bankai 1 0 Call me Fox boi 0 1 Am I dreaming 0 3 Feed me Uraraka 0 1 Water Breathing 2 4 Anya Peanuts 3 5 Decay Shigaraki 1 0 Moody meow 1 4 COPY NINJA 0 3 copy ninja 0 0 LOSS AND GRIEF 1 3 Deku;s insane 1 2 1 2