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Color burst

by tolagunestro

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298 Number of votes

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yuribek - 26 by June by 2011, 11:58

no está mal.

pepelugo - 26 by June by 2011, 11:58

no es de mi estilo,pero no está mal

luisalugo - 26 by June by 2011, 11:58

un poco apagado el dibujo,pero me gusta :)

nonamed - 26 by June by 2011, 11:58

Es muy bueno. Pero tengo la sensación de que Pampling no sabría plasmarla en camiseta como se merece.

pomokoko - 26 by June by 2011, 11:58

Solo me falla el color de la camiseta, por el resto perfecta. ;)

Stilographic - 26 by June by 2011, 11:58

me gusta :)

javirc - 26 by June by 2011, 11:58

muy buena

Master52 - 26 by June by 2011, 11:58

Without the title it doesn't make sense.

tolagunestro - 26 by June by 2011, 11:58

The idea was to take the colors off from the shirt to enphatyze the colors of the pencils.

And I think that the icon of a bomb is pretty clear, Master52, would you, please, reconsider your comment.


gutorafael - 26 by June by 2011, 11:58

Muy bueno!

omicron102 - 26 by June by 2011, 11:58

Está muy bien, pero le falta algo al diseño... y pienso que justamente es uno de los diseños que no se pueden realizar por falta de colores. Lo suyo sería que cada lápiz fuera de un color diferente, sin repetir. Entonces, le daría como algo de colorido y sería como más vistosa.

Saludos y suerte.

Gayoso - 26 by June by 2011, 11:58

la verdad es que es visible ;)

mauro88 - 26 by June by 2011, 11:58

mola mucho !! haria el dibujo mas pekeño en la camiseta

jamelo - 26 by June by 2011, 11:58

no está mal

spencer-wallace - 27 by June by 2011, 11:58


manelos - 27 by June by 2011, 11:58

nuse no m convence

conde_cadista - 27 by June by 2011, 11:58

No me convence.

sylar75 - 27 by June by 2011, 11:58

los colores elegidos no me gustan

IGuerraOMG - 27 by June by 2011, 11:58

Es chula, me gusta.

kokolepistolero - 27 by June by 2011, 11:58

nice ^^

DI.JAY - 27 by June by 2011, 11:58

Gran idea y gran diseño, me gusta :D

Jasa92 - 28 by June by 2011, 11:58

interesanto, sin duda

Mónica Conde - 28 by June by 2011, 11:58

no entiendo el sentido del dibujo...

ChXrliiX - 28 by June by 2011, 11:58

no me gusta mucho el dibujo pero la combinacion de colores me agrada

chupicola - 28 by June by 2011, 11:58

No me va mucho

Maya_Takameru - 28 by June by 2011, 11:58

Me encanta la idea.

NENA86 - 28 by June by 2011, 11:58


gregatrey - 28 by June by 2011, 11:58

I really like it!

carameloo - 29 by June by 2011, 11:58


sergiolokus - 29 by June by 2011, 11:58

estas comparando unos lapices de colores con dinamita???

Pilastrum - 29 by June by 2011, 11:58

Es muy bonito!! 

vanny_3112 - 30 by June by 2011, 11:58

muy original

kharmazero - 30 by June by 2011, 11:58

i would wear it ;-)

gatetnegre - 30 by June by 2011, 11:58

i like it!!



vaos44 - 30 by June by 2011, 11:58

no esta mal

eldarc - 1 by July by 2011, 11:58

No le veo la gracia a la idea.