FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF Loís back The Crab 1 3 I'm the night 2 2 Superman False God 1 2 In another universe 2 1 The Caped Crusader sumi-e 1 4 JL3: CRUZADO DE LA NOCHE 1 7 Rapunzel 3 6 House of the Loyal 3 3 The Dark Stone 3 6 Mundo dos Quadrinhos 1 1 The Work Night 2 8 The Dark Stone 3 3 Stone Relics 1 3 Stone Relics v2 1 4 Adios Vaca 1 4 The Hypno King 1 1 The Kong King 1 4 Cobid-92 3 1 Vigilante 1 3 Knight's Bat 1 16 Sonic's escape 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6