FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF YiannisTees back I Hate Mondays 0 1 Not today 0 4 Nah 1 1 Nope 0 1 Iced Coffee Addict 0 1 I will overthink this later 0 1 I'm sorry for what i said before i had my coffee 0 1 Habibi come to Dubai 0 1 Iced Coffee & Crime Shows 0 1 I like long romantic walks to the bank 0 2 Retired - I worked my whole life for this shirt 0 1 I have no idea what i'm doing 0 5 I Quit Caffeine 0 2 Same Shirt Different Day 1 3 Introverts Unite 1 1 How Introverts make friends 1 1 You can do it - Coffee 0 1 I Love Bachata 1 1 I survived another meeting that should have been an email 1 2 My weekend is all booked 1 1 Don't rush me 0 2 1 2 3