FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF aliciaruiz back Keep calm and call Lyanna Mormont 11 8 POLYJUICE DANIEL'S 6 9 Cat Witch Moon 8 14 Gray Pilgrim Sanctuary 11 9 Sirius Black 28 9 Magical 19 26 Wingardium Leviosa 7 13 Hechizos 23 38 Vitruvian Neighbor 19 13 Winter Is Coming 9 33 Starry Wonderland 20 28 Patronumeister 11 14 Hold there 19 6 Magical Garden 6 20 Night´s Watch 22 19 TOTORO OBEY 8 7 Expecto patronum 12 20 Gondor 12 13 dragon delivery service 21 16 A mind needs books 15 16 Lord Crow 16 24 1 2 3 4