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DESIGNS OF Dr.Monekers


Mad Hatter

21 13

Red Knight

14 12

Magnetic Warrior

18 4

American Warrior

9 13

Iron Warrior

14 16

Valar Morghulis

27 13

Pure Ectoplasm

14 10


11 15

The Man Behind the Skull

10 8

The Man Without Fear

14 17

Team Rogers

12 8

Team Stark

24 14

Hyrule Warrior

13 10

The Spider is coming

14 10

Return of Heroes

16 8

Return of Darkness

17 15

Return of Kryptonian

15 5

The Hunter and the Demon

13 3

Forest Spirits sumie (chanclas)

12 7

The Merc (chanclas)

9 5

Civil War (chanclas)

8 10