DESIGNS OF NihatGokcen back Doodle Wars 789 1 1 Doodle Wars 456 0 1 Doodle Wars 123 0 1 The Great Eye 1 5 YinYang of Rick 0 0 Rebellion Space Forces 0 1 Skywalkers 0 2 Rexcellent 0 0 Babayaga 1 1 Rebellious Commandos 5 1 Born to Ride 3 1 Hail Kylo 7 2 Highway To Hell 2 1 Let Me Out 1 0 Venom 2 6 Overcharged 0 0 The Pickle 1 1 The Tiny 0 1 The Toxic 0 1 Cantina Cafe Death Star 5 1 Ecstasy of Rickverse 5 5 1 2