Blogs from kaikus back Mas falso que Judas by kaikus in Personal 3 1 read the article ¡vamos, no me jodas.....! by kaikus in Personal 1 2 read the article Waiting for the rain (Timbuktu -Mali-) by kaikus in Others 5 2 read the article Afortunadamente. by kaikus in Others 2 2 read the article Mientras Gayoso arregla su teclado by kaikus in Music Videos 5 3 read the article Perros y tipografías by kaikus in Design and Illustration 3 4 read the article The Pelayos by kaikus in Others 2 2 read the article Mi post sobre la bajada de los geniales... by kaikus in Others 2 4 read the article ¿Por qué bajan las puntuaciones a partir del tercer-cuarto día? by kaikus in About Pampling 13 4 read the article Hoy cumplo 36 tacos by kaikus in Personal 9 3 read the article 1 2 3 4 5 6 7