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carpamar - 14 by March by 2016, 18:13

oc tt
yo hablar españolo
porco di merda in forno di pettra

laya92 - 14 by March by 2016, 18:34

buon pomeriggio

ArcticRaccoon - 14 by March by 2016, 18:36

Deadpool rules!

The_Ice_Princess - 14 by March by 2016, 18:46

Con el francés puedo defenderme... pero con el italiano uff... entiendo lo que dices, pero no sabria contestarte en italiano...
Asi que... disfruta muchísimo y que te lo pases genial!

SackPlanet - 14 by March by 2016, 21:07


HikariH - 14 by March by 2016, 21:58

Cool!! Tell us if you have enjoyed it :)

raquel39 - 14 by March by 2016, 23:32

Fortuna , spero si spende grande nel film .

Keimpro - 15 by March by 2016, 13:32

@carpamar: qualunque fosse l'offesa, si dice "pietra", anche se penso intendessi 'forno a legna', ma vabè.

@ArcticRaccoon: Yeah!

@The_Ice_Princess: io vi capisco. L'italiano e lo spagnolo non sono molto differenti quindi non dovrebbe essere difficile capirsi. Pensavo.

@HikariH: Yeah, very funny movie, but Deadpool can be much asshole and much fun like comics. The sequel will definitely be more badass :D

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