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LUCIERNAGA88 - 2 by February by 2016, 17:57

No lo conozco....pero me interesa!

mariapr91 - 2 by February by 2016, 18:17

Creo que no

The_Ice_Princess - 2 by February by 2016, 18:33

Solo me he leído Elantris, que me gusto mucho, no conozco ningun otro de sus libros

Koke007 - 2 by February by 2016, 18:53

Que va

Fpdavid - 2 by February by 2016, 19:05

yo tampoco lo conozco

rebeka54 - 2 by February by 2016, 19:16

yo me he leido el de un recuerdo de luz y esta muy bien

ConNdeNegrito - 2 by February by 2016, 19:50

Yo no soy muy de leer jeje saludos!

sora.kurobara - 2 by February by 2016, 19:54


petothebest - 2 by February by 2016, 20:20

yo tsmpoco

Raquelmo - 2 by February by 2016, 20:57

Yo tampoco :/

IrisCerdanVilla - 2 by February by 2016, 23:09

No me suena

silvia2502 - 3 by February by 2016, 00:55

No lo conozco creo

MaríaSnape - 3 by February by 2016, 12:45


morti_tkt - 3 by February by 2016, 20:24

lo siento pero no que yo sepa.

Platelminto - 4 by February by 2016, 22:36


blanchu - 11 by February by 2016, 15:07

Pa ke kieres saber eso jajaja saludos

Line 63


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