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There is a doctor between clouds

by danielone8

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gigicariata - 7 by February by 2017, 17:42


Wonderful drawing

danielone8 - 7 by February by 2017, 19:25

thank you very much! :D

Zara - 8 by February by 2017, 09:28

I need this!!

danielone8 - 8 by February by 2017, 13:34

Finger crossed :-P

Luay - 8 by February by 2017, 17:05


Keep them coming !! as Tennant would say: ¨Brilliant¨ !! Would buy it for sure !

Ahlen13 - 8 by February by 2017, 19:26

Bellissima!! Bellissimo episodio 5+

danielone8 - 8 by February by 2017, 23:34

Thanks a lot to everyone!

danielone8 - 8 by February by 2017, 23:36

Mille grazie! Anch'io adoro il Dottore

NURRM - 9 by February by 2017, 08:21

Genial!! 5+

danielone8 - 9 by February by 2017, 20:15

Thanks!!! :D

Lucky - 10 by February by 2017, 11:53

Amazing. Pure magic. 5+

danielone8 - 10 by February by 2017, 14:56


degolpeyvuelta - 10 by February by 2017, 16:06

Es preciosa!

danielone8 - 11 by February by 2017, 17:52

Muy gracias :)

Shilay - 11 by February by 2017, 23:03

Uno de mis episodios favoritos de Doctor Who, es preciosa! La compraría segurísimo!

Fénixx - 12 by February by 2017, 00:11


Fénixx - 12 by February by 2017, 00:11

Compro, compro, compro

janeyre1991 - 12 by February by 2017, 12:48

Asdlkashdkjashkejasnzdlasld!! Es maravillosa!!

danielone8 - 12 by February by 2017, 14:07

ahahahahah! Muy gracias a todos :)
All my design are on www.facebook.com/danielone8/

pcgita - 12 by February by 2017, 14:27

La quiero ya!!!! Me encanta!

whoviamanda - 12 by February by 2017, 17:12


Señor Oscuro - 12 by February by 2017, 19:29


anna.arribas - 12 by February by 2017, 21:12


rutcruz - 13 by February by 2017, 12:18

muy bonita, la verdad

danielone8 - 13 by February by 2017, 15:01

Thank you saqman, actually the scene is the same, but is a "classic" :-P
Your design is much more distinctive than mine, I had never before seen, it is very nice!

Linofino - 13 by February by 2017, 23:51

First of all: I'm sorry for my bad English.
I am not a follower of this series, so I can not talk to much about it and the idea, but I think it's easy to deduct.
On the other hand, I can opine about the design's setup. I like the classical style that you used on it, the shapes and the contrast of the black-white along with the shimmering colors like yellow and green are a great idea to make it look less darker.
How ever I think it's a bit overloaded. Maybe too much details like the numbre of stars. Also I think you could make the scene less framed.

Anyways it's a wonderful work and I cheer you to keep working on it because I think that it has a great potential.