❤️ Today! A free surprise T-shirt with every T-shirt purchased


the mask

by ndikol

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CASTELLÓ - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59

Perfect chaval ! ;)

pepelugo - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59

jajajajjajajaj está genial!! muy graciosa! :D

Dr. Lupo - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59

anda, esta estaba en la fresa tb, muy wena

pasqueoz - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59

ET bien... EXCELLENT ! ;)

yuribek - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59

jajaja. ke buena.

ibaitxo - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59

+10 muy sencilla y muy explìcita. suerte

Pirene - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59

jajaj mola

sylar75 - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59

jajaja muy buena

Patry_nk - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59

jajajajaja, que buena, me gusta mucho!!

gregatrey - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59


gregatrey - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59

lo unico quizas cambiaria un poco los pies q son muy simplotes

mauro88 - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59

jaja es ponible

NENA86 - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59


beto81 - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59

tiene su gracia

daskka - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59


nonamed - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59

Muy simpática y gracias. Quizás un poco simple, pero no por ello mala.

nonamed - 27 by January by 2011, 11:59

Quise decir graciosa...

Liiduu - 28 by January by 2011, 11:59

me encanta es muy del estilo pampling. Es genial me parto


angel_dart - 28 by January by 2011, 11:59

jajajaja muy guapa!!

--pix-- - 28 by January by 2011, 11:59


segarmi92 - 28 by January by 2011, 11:59

que psadaa!!! chulisima!!! +10

DI.JAY - 28 by January by 2011, 11:59

Tremenda. Sencilla y muy original, me gusta ;).

eleanor78963 - 28 by January by 2011, 11:59

esta bien pero un poco simple por eso no me la compraria


Master52 - 28 by January by 2011, 11:59

Jajaja, muy salada.

fgarrote - 28 by January by 2011, 11:59

sencilla, pero me encanta

vanny_3112 - 28 by January by 2011, 11:59

muy chula

spencer-wallace - 28 by January by 2011, 11:59

jajajaja, muy wena

gatetnegre - 29 by January by 2011, 11:59

great!! but the t-shirt better in darker color!




julpot - 29 by January by 2011, 11:59

trop fort x')

panyara - 30 by January by 2011, 11:59

Me ha hecho sonreir

m4nyk4 - 30 by January by 2011, 11:59

Simple y directa

pomokoko - 30 by January by 2011, 11:59

Esta simpatica, pero le hace falta algo más de chicha. ;)

Bocatadillo - 30 by January by 2011, 11:59

me encanta!

tharkun - 30 by January by 2011, 11:59

mu graciosa

rubiosdc - 30 by January by 2011, 11:59

puff no me va

pablods - 30 by January by 2011, 11:59


Moyuna - 31 by January by 2011, 11:59

buenísima, me la compraría

RJFCRJ - 31 by January by 2011, 11:59

Q buena, puntacos.

conde_cadista - 31 by January by 2011, 11:59

Psé. no está malota :)

Lenne1989 - 31 by January by 2011, 11:59

Jajaja me gusta, me gusta bastante!!:) se entiende al primer vistazo y a mi me parece graciosa la idea y el diseño concuerda perfectamente :) un 7!

raquel81 - 1 by February by 2011, 11:59

no me va

sergiolokus - 1 by February by 2011, 11:59

simple, directa... cojonuda

tropiezos - 1 by February by 2011, 11:59

es bastante graciosa y facil de entender

zenstudio - 1 by February by 2011, 11:59


Gayoso - 1 by February by 2011, 11:59

Original y graciosa solo una cosa, un poco sosilla.

Un 7 y medio ;D

taxman - 1 by February by 2011, 11:59

jajaja, buenísima! simple y efectiva

mariax - 1 by February by 2011, 11:59

Muy graciosa y simpática. La mueca de la tostada me encanta :D

jokigg - 1 by February by 2011, 11:59

a mi no me convence... no termino de verle la gracia. 

Lagart - 1 by February by 2011, 11:59

A mi me parece que tendría que ser a la inversa... ¿qué le va  a robar la tostada que ya tiene mermelada a la que no tiene NADA??? Es como si yo robara a un mendigo o aun tio desnudo

eldarc - 1 by February by 2011, 11:59

Dibujo simple aunque bien realizado. De todas formas no es para nada mi estilo, se pasa de infantil.

pat_art - 2 by February by 2011, 11:59

buenisima me encanta!!!

dartañan - 2 by February by 2011, 11:59

no la veo

lona00 - 2 by February by 2011, 11:59

Me gusta la idea, pero no resulta graciosa... simpatica si desde luego