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Dance of the Planets

by -Vega-

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ibaitxo - 5 by January by 2011, 11:59


SeakDesigns - 5 by January by 2011, 11:59

Bonita visualmente... buen uso de colores y disposición en camiseta.  Quiza solo quitaria los textos, ya que no me aportan nada y creo a mi parecer que ensucian el diseño.

Nice looking... good use of colors and place on tee. Maybe the only change I will do... take off the text "home" and "hey" because I think is not necessary and broke the harmony of the rest of components.

KTTO10 - 5 by January by 2011, 11:59


Dr. Lupo - 5 by January by 2011, 11:59

muy bonita!

emqmpctpch - 5 by January by 2011, 11:59

Muy bonita y original, los colores mu acertados =)

yuribek - 5 by January by 2011, 11:59

veo siempre tus diseños muy cargados.

vanny_3112 - 5 by January by 2011, 11:59

me ecanta

gregatrey - 5 by January by 2011, 11:59

PRECIOSA, me encanta el estilo que as escogido y los colores . Yo tambien creo que los textos sobran , xq ademas no van para nada con el estilo del resto del diseño. Muy buena XD

Nagooooo - 5 by January by 2011, 11:59

no esta mal... 

mauro88 - 5 by January by 2011, 11:59

wua !!! muy buena !!

Pirene - 5 by January by 2011, 11:59

i love it!! i want it!! XD

CASTELLÓ - 5 by January by 2011, 11:59

Me mola la idea, y me mola cómo están dibujados los planetas, pero no me tira demasiado como queda en cami.

Puntakos igualmente :)

Slabalette - 5 by January by 2011, 11:59

I hope I haven't created an account for Nothing Jacques !

Ir0n'Ia - 5 by January by 2011, 11:59

Genial, me encanta el colorido que tiene

pepelugo - 5 by January by 2011, 11:59

me encanta!! :DD

silent_bob - 5 by January by 2011, 11:59

muy wapa

nonamed - 6 by January by 2011, 11:59

Muy bonita y curiosa. Me gusta.

Letish - 6 by January by 2011, 11:59

No está mal

reagger - 6 by January by 2011, 11:59

Muuuuy bonita, sobre todo para imprimir por detrás, que pena que esto no se pueda hacer ¿verdad PAMPLING?, ejem....

Cesargraphique - 6 by January by 2011, 11:59

kikou i like it

sergiolokus - 6 by January by 2011, 11:59

muy chula visualmente la verdad

Mr.Cid - 6 by January by 2011, 11:59

no es de las k acostumbra a gustarme, pero me gusta mucho

Linofino - 6 by January by 2011, 11:59

Oh! Really I like it, it fabulous! Iwant it in the shop now! I would buy. Points!

butterfly - 6 by January by 2011, 11:59

I just LOVE it!!!

Master52 - 7 by January by 2011, 11:59

Como diseño es la hostia, no sé que tal como camiseta.

fgarrote - 7 by January by 2011, 11:59

un trabajo genial

great job

Miire_610 - 7 by January by 2011, 11:59

me encanta, muy simpático!

conlapizypapel - 7 by January by 2011, 11:59

Very good job. Congratulations!

El Trigo - 7 by January by 2011, 11:59

muy cargada

Haritz - 7 by January by 2011, 11:59


Gayoso - 7 by January by 2011, 11:59

esta muy bien quizás un poco cargada pero currada enhorabuena ;)

gaarares - 8 by January by 2011, 11:59

demassiado cargado el sol i el fondo, los planetas geniales!!! :)

Utanathpishti - 8 by January by 2011, 11:59

Tu te défends bien mon petit Jaqouille ;)

patatedouce - 8 by January by 2011, 11:59

rude bataille contre fresh attitude !
mais on va gagner

anabelenana - 8 by January by 2011, 11:59

good work,7puntos

barthelemy - 8 by January by 2011, 11:59

allé jacques!!!!

Lagart - 9 by January by 2011, 11:59

muy chula, un poco recargada para una cami que se compra por internet

conde_cadista - 9 by January by 2011, 11:59

Me gusta mucho!!

Alizee - 9 by January by 2011, 11:59

tu vas gagnerrrrrr

Carrie_ - 9 by January by 2011, 11:59

joer, no es de mi estilo, pero me flipa!!!Muy guapa, felicidades!!!

Ginormica - 9 by January by 2011, 11:59

On est tous avec toi ! :D

daskka - 9 by January by 2011, 11:59

me gusta¡¡

sylar75 - 9 by January by 2011, 11:59

buen diseño y muy simpatica

NENA86 - 9 by January by 2011, 11:59


melvicax - 10 by January by 2011, 11:59

muy currada y bonita, quizas un poco recargada, pero aun asi te doy una buena puntuación

Roxinou - 11 by January by 2011, 11:59

Jacques !! Jacques !!

eldarc - 11 by January by 2011, 11:59

Visualmente no esta mal aunque no es mi estilo. Eso de poner los planetas con caritas me resulta infantil.

nugoba - 11 by January by 2011, 11:59

bonita y a la vez un poco recargada

angel_dart - 11 by January by 2011, 11:59

esta guapa

Tila91 - 11 by January by 2011, 11:59

Il est génial !!!

spencer-wallace - 11 by January by 2011, 11:59

psicodélica un 7

raquel81 - 11 by January by 2011, 11:59

demasiado dibujo... aunque muy currada

yuma47 - 11 by January by 2011, 11:59

me encanta

pablods - 11 by January by 2011, 11:59

demasiado cargada

gatetnegre - 11 by January by 2011, 11:59

esta chulisima!!!!!!



rubiosdc - 11 by January by 2011, 11:59

esta muy bien pero no me la compraria