FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF Rorro back The Massacre Machine 12 6 Iron Side 4 18 two sides of power 10 17 the murray 3 4 Kubo vs The Moon 8 5 I Have A Pen 10 4 Paper-Vulcan-Rocker 2 7 Kubo in Black 10 7 We are Groot 20 23 Eyescream 10 3 Hail Toys! 21 5 Nightmare again 13 2 Mini Mr Mean 4 2 Ready to fight! 7 5 D'oh-thraki Homer 9 4 Pugussaurus Rex. 13 1 comida rapida 12 4 Dot to dot 13 6 Bebe a bordo 14 9 Hail Hank! 7 8 social thinker 5 2 1 2 3 4