FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF Ackerwinde back fighters against angels 10 18 Nightmare Sweater 5 17 The Magic Rose 11 16 I Am You 14 22 Musubi 10 27 breath of the art 6 12 True love story 16 25 Back to Work 8 21 Fight for Humanity 1 10 Heart Beastly 5 7 The Great Conjunction 15 15 Majora's Throne v2 23 14 anime detective 14 23 Shinigami and the City 12 22 Human Love 18 22 My Neighbour (night version) 2 10 1-up or not 3 7 Magic Friendship - glows with the symbol 15 29 State Alchemists 8 6 The Nightmare On LV-426 3 9 The Sadness 11 13 1 2 3 4