FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF Julio sobrino back Fuck the Polis 2.0 1 6 Welcome to Neo-Tokyo 3 5 Empire Is Over 4 10 Sushi Eater 2 5 I Am Your Father 0 2 Bounty Dogs 0 2 Imperial Forces 0 4 Starry Namek 0 4 Super Moria Fools 1 4 Bad... Bros 1 3 Wanted Waldo 0 3 Doraemones 4 3 Knight 1 3 The Ultimate Warrior 1 1 The Nightmarer 4 4 Krusty Krab 2 1 Nice magazine! 15 10 0 0 stronger inside 1 1 samurai trooper 8 5 Spartan Warrior 2 4 1 2 3 4