FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF Kimi R back Dragon Days 5 4 Red Mercenary 10 14 I'm The Doctor 3 5 Starry Falcon 12 6 Colorful Evolution 7 7 11th time storm-rainbow version 8 6 Who's That Girl? 4 5 The God of Mischief 6 10 Retro American Super Soldier 3 6 12th time storm 5 4 10 th storm 6 6 Crown of leaves 12 13 Watercolor Smile 0 6 Flying Who 1 4 11th time storm 1 5 Starry Gallifrey 0 8 Who? 0 3 Somewhere in Time 0 3 La petite Amélie 5 3 V is for villain 6 6 Fire Flower Pokè 5 9 1 2 3 4