FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF NemiMakeit back Dumbrella 0 3 Barn owl night spirit 3 7 Red panda gardener 0 3 Sad t-rex 0 3 Every snack you make 0 3 Antisocial ant 0 2 Scooter hedgehog 1 3 Usbee 3 2 Tea rex 1 4 No brain no pain 2 4 Bird I hate everyone 0 3 Pandacorn not normal 1 3 Steampunk panda 2 4 Rock and toilet roll 0 5 Steampunk fox 1 4 Beer art history 1 8 You inspire me 2 5 Japanese panther street art 0 5 Japanese tiger street art 3 4 Three wise monkeys 1 6 Stay weird spider 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6