DESIGNS OF Madcobra back The visitor 0 2 deep down at te bottom of the bottle 2 2 semillas de esperanza 2 0 tentical attack 1 0 Extra lives after death 1 2 cheers (salud!) 3 0 get in shape (ponte en forma) 2 0 watercolors 4 3 Walking Undoead 3 1 Famous hunters 7 1 Capt. Blackbone the pugrate 3 4 Revenge of the radio star 6 8 Spilled Memorabilia 18 12 O-Ink! 6 3 The Onions Funeral 12 4 STELLAR GRIND 9 1 gotta taste them all 11 2 Knight Groove 0 0 Got Lucky 1 0 Happy Hour 6 1 Rock is Undead 2 0 1 2 3