DESIGNS OF Xieghu back Just Catch It. 2 0 Hogwarts Seven 1 3 Kakaroto Seven 2 1 Mugiwara Seven 1 4 Skull Fantasy 3 2 Saiyan Prince Fantasy 1 0 Bounty Hunter Fantasy 1 1 You called for me? 3 0 Musashi Rocket 4 3 Kojiro Rocket 2 3 The Queen we deserve 0 0 Queen of Kuppa´s 0 2 da Vinci 2077 3 0 You’re not worth killing 2 0 The Sole Princess 0 1 Submarine Surgeon 2 5 Ladrón de guante blanco 1 2 Fire & Blood 6 3 Hylian of Time 3 3 Poison girl 6 1 Empire Lord 2 1 1 2 3