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chidori777 - 27 by February by 2019, 15:46

El problema es que los pilares de este sistema se basan en sistemas económicos y estructuras sociales arcaicas que arrastran problemas que jamás se van a poder cambiar

petrutlucia - 27 by February by 2019, 22:02

Man, I wish there were more like you around. We keep buying things to fill voids inside, to appear to others that we "have it good", to show our status, to "fit in" with the fashion of the day, to ply ourselves to peer pressure - you need to have an apartment/house with a certain number of rooms, certain furniture, a certain car, a certain phone - which HAS to be the latest smartphone that is usually much smarter than the user, a certain type of wife/husband, at least one child to neglect, and throw stuff at him so he/she won't ask us for our precious time, that we need to spend chasing more money and more stuff and all the while, the void grows, the spirit shrivels, the soul dies. We pass by the poor and look on them with disgust, like they are losers, without taking a minute to wonder what brought them there. We avoid stray dogs or cats because they might get our precious expensive clothes dirty, and they are not our problem. The governments are like this, because humankind is like this. Consumerism is the law, and if you don't obey, you're an outcast, a loser. It is we who need to change, and that will bring abut a change in the way governments are. But that takes effort and soul-searching, and we're much too comfortable...

MssBerry - 28 by February by 2019, 00:17

Muy de acuerdo, me ha encantado el post👌👏👏
Yo trato de huir lo que me dejan de determinadas cosas, porque hay otras que no puedes evitar seguir haciendo por necesidad de avanzar en el sistema del mundo en el cual vivímos actualmente.

antonniotoro1986 - 28 by February by 2019, 19:46

Yo antes dedicaba más tiempo en pensar en esas cosas. Una pena que ya no lo haga.

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