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begocall - 6 by April by 2009, 14:47

Muy bueno tu dibujo. Si lo trabajas un poco mas, sería genial.

Crysse - 6 by April by 2009, 19:40

Jejeje… Gracias Begocall Tengo la versión acabada por este dibujo.Pero por mañana o en casa FlickR ;)

tear_drop - 12 by April by 2009, 21:16

que artistazo!, me encanta la ilustración :)

andresrojo98 - 14 by October by 2015, 21:23

Que chulo!

petothebest - 20 by October by 2015, 16:11

llego tarde

aaronito_96@hotmail.com - 21 by October by 2015, 23:26


aaronito_96@hotmail.com - 21 by October by 2015, 23:26

Bonito post!

Olii - 13 by January by 2016, 00:11

Submarino en español?

MaríaSnape - 28 by January by 2016, 16:50

nada de nada

ardisaurio - 10 by February by 2016, 20:58


Platelminto - 14 by February by 2016, 20:41

se pierden

Platelminto - 14 by February by 2016, 20:41

se pierden

NosferatuRot - 19 by February by 2016, 20:11


erpatodekaze - 21 by February by 2016, 13:41

No se ven

Platelminto - 25 by February by 2016, 12:14

buenos días

The_Ice_Princess - 29 by February by 2016, 23:45

Pena que no se vea

Platelminto - 2 by March by 2016, 09:35

Buenos días!!!!

Platelminto - 11 by March by 2016, 18:38


Platelminto - 16 by March by 2016, 09:39


Platelminto - 18 by March by 2016, 20:37


Platelminto - 19 by March by 2016, 10:26


Javijj - 24 by March by 2016, 02:12


defensa - 30 by April by 2016, 17:22

Tan submarine que ni se ve.

peah16212 - 28 by September by 2016, 07:49

Pues no sé ve

concienciadegrillo - 1 by December by 2016, 09:35

no se ve

LeUnam666 - 25 by May by 2017, 16:04

Sssss no se ve

myt98 - 16 by June by 2017, 04:00

holaa :)

Je3Nn - 26 by April by 2018, 12:00

No se ve

Fer19 - 2 by June by 2018, 18:01

Ya no se ve

onnoe - 22 by June by 2023, 08:08

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